Saturday, February 05, 2005

Performance anxiety

This is only Day Two of my blog and already I am feeling trapped and pressured by its mere existence. Maybe I am not suited to having a blogspot afterall. Frankly, I am already starting to find the whole idea rather unnerving - this Thing that I have created, lurks ominously in cyber-space, expectantly awaiting my input. What if I'm not in the mood to write creative, witty anecdotes about recent or past events? Its only when you start to put your thoughts down on paper (computer screen, whatever, work with me here people), that you realise just how little you have to say. Especially as today's highlights have included, amongst other fascinating events, shopping at Tesco (other overpriced supermarkets are available), watching Scotland being cheated by the effing French in the opening 6 Nations match, and a confusing episode involving sellotape, a towel and a snowboard - but the less said about that the better...


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