Monday, May 09, 2005

Car versus Rock. Rock wins.

I killed my car.

Contrary to popular belief, I was not infact "rally driving" at the time - merely driving around my forest study site. That happened to be on what could be described by some people as dirt tracks. A fateful wrong turn led to and encounter with a rock. And geatly reduced clearance. Needless to say, the rock won, and my sump and radiator were quite pitifully defeated. Cue: lots of smoke, oil, funny coloured fluids, and more smoke - but of the even scarier kind.

Result: Fi and Sarah stranded 200 miles from home. In a forest. With a car that is not only very-much-not-going-anywhere, but is now blocking the route for some irrate looking timber truck drivers!!

So we did the only thing we could, and left my poor little Punto abandoned at the side of the road and hitch hiked a lift back to civilisation. Oh, not forgetting first getting laughed at by the foresters I will be working with for the next 3 years.

The car has subsequently been retrieved by my insurance company. I am guessing by the solemn look the damage estimator's face though that it is not going to be a happy ending. Not for my car, or my insurance premiums anyway.

Ho Hum.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Dr Jim said...

I find it a peculiarly amusing irony that a Zoologist and eco-minded tree-hugger such as yourself would drive up into a pristine Hibernian forest only to regurgitate the foulest of man's chemicals from your destroyed and thoroughly punctured car into the earth.

You ought to call yourself Cyril Sneer :o)

At 2:45 PM, Blogger fi said...

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At 2:47 PM, Blogger fi said...

You're just jealous because I get to work in "a pristine Hibernian foest" for the next 3 years, whereas you will be stuck in some claustrophobic lab. In West Yorkshire. :op

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Dr Jim said...

Yeah but, no but, last time I went to a forest right, I didn't vomit car guts into mother nature. So there.


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