Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Things that make you go mmm...

I have surprised even myself. Having never shown any particular interest in anything car related, I have suddenly come over all Diesel Dyke and gotten excited by a car. My car. My new car. My new second hand car. Buts its soooooo pretty - look!

Not only is it amazingly nippy with its 1.4 TDi engine (although, after two years of enduring an elderly Punto, a Shopmobility buggy would feel comparatively nippy), but I managed over 500 miles on one tank of fuel - thats 62.5 miles per gallon! Thats 56% more miles for my money in future. Woooo! ...Suffice to say, in my head, this justifies the fact that I spent way more money than I had intended to/can afford on this little beast... So long as I can get this mileage for another 117 months that is. And yes. I am indeed enough of a geek to have sat here and calculate how much money I will be saving rather than get on with my work.


At 3:56 AM, Blogger Dr Jim said...

I suggest you call it "Dave", or perhaps "Nigel". All very powerful names I'm sure you'll agree (lol).

I called my car "Beast", which was inventive. I was going to call it something like "Fritz", or "Dr. Schweizer", but that would be a little too geeky.


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