Thursday, May 24, 2007


I may have mentioned, umm, several times actually within the past couple of blogs, my "friend" Ruth... which was no doubt an indication that there may be something more going on than I was letting you in on. Well, I didn't say anything at the time because I knew that she read my blog, and we were supposed to be just being friends. And my saying how much I really dug this chick I'd never met in person may have sounded a little premature. Especially considering how much she'd been telling me how she loved being single...

You see we'd actually met through the magic of Gaydar (see "How Gay Is Your Star Sign?" below), and had been chatting online since October. And when I say chatting I'm kind of making light of the fact we got to the point of sending essay length emails on a daily basis. And I'd just like to point out that my correspondance with Ruth during those months was purely the reason why my blogging got so slack, for even *I* have only a certain number of geek hours in me per day. So yeah, blame HER.

Annnnnnyway. Yes. So. Our first meeting In Real Life happened a whole three months ago now, back on February 24th, quite randonly down in Manchester. Ruth moved to the UK (a whole week before we met) to find fresh talent after working her way through the female population of not only her native New Zealand, but Australia (her surrogate nation of the past 3 years) too.. although of course she would claim it was something to do with expanding her horizons, history, culture, blah blah blah... u-huh, yeah, right ;op

But anyway, we were meeting in Manchester AS FRIENDS, and under the pretence of going to see some live bands together and generally hanging out getting to know each other without the aid of laptops to hide behind. Eek! I had never been more nervous in my life.

Annnnd yes. Without letting this blog descend into some pretty gushing, loved-up, sappiness ..which, as we all know, is not like me at all *ahem* lets just say that I am so pleased that Orvil and Wilbur Wright had the foresight to run along and invent the world's first successful aircraft, so that a whole century later, the person I had fallen in love with over the internet could use one to get over here and finally meet me in person.

Major, major feelings and ..stuff *shifts awkwardly in seat looking extremely self concious and blushing lots* she's just kinda really cool, and umm, yeah.. Go me for scoring such a hot, witty, intelligent girlfriend! :D

Anyway, I don't really want this blog to become a running commentary of the life and time's of a diminutive, Antipodean, emergency department nurse's (mis)adventures through Europe, and document her every last move "...and then she ordered the vegetable frittatta, and then she said.." I just wanted to introduce her, so that I can hopefully get back to blogging with something close to regularity. And because no doubt there will be the occasional reference to her in amongst it all. Just the odd one or two. Here and there. When I'm stuck for other things to write about...

Oh. It was also blatently so I could plaster her face across my blog :D


At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There I was, following links from my name in Google, and I happily happened upon your blog. You've made an old man very happy on a couple of counts, not least your nice comments about your ML course!

Glad everything is going so well for you, you didn't seem too mad last time I saw you but perhaps I missed something!

Take care and keep smiling.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger fi said...

Pete! Hello!

I won't ask what narcisitic reason you had for Googling yourself ;)

Lovely to hear from you though, and when I finally get this PhD out the way, and get round to going for the SML qualification assessment I will be sure to give you a shout!

Fi x

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That would be great, SML is sooooo much fun..............

Narcistic reasons? Nope, boredom really, got writer's block so playing on the web. Glad I did anyway, nice to catch up with all the whatsits.

Give me a shout by email if you are up this way, seems like summer is here at last......

Ta ra.



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