Friday, June 24, 2005

All good things....

You may have noticed quite a dearth in posts lately. I would like to say I have been far too busy doing exciting things to spend my time blogging, but this is not the case. In truth I have been going through some real emotional turmoil lately, of the sort that not even I can make facetious, frivolent remarks about. After a lot of soul searching and discussion, Sarah and I have decided to split up after two and a half years together. I am not going to go into great length about our reasons, only that it feels right for us at the moment. At least on some days it feels right. We plan to stay friends and so I will still have some comic material of her antics with which to regale you with on my blog. I just felt you ought to know though.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Things that make you go mmm...

I have surprised even myself. Having never shown any particular interest in anything car related, I have suddenly come over all Diesel Dyke and gotten excited by a car. My car. My new car. My new second hand car. Buts its soooooo pretty - look!

Not only is it amazingly nippy with its 1.4 TDi engine (although, after two years of enduring an elderly Punto, a Shopmobility buggy would feel comparatively nippy), but I managed over 500 miles on one tank of fuel - thats 62.5 miles per gallon! Thats 56% more miles for my money in future. Woooo! ...Suffice to say, in my head, this justifies the fact that I spent way more money than I had intended to/can afford on this little beast... So long as I can get this mileage for another 117 months that is. And yes. I am indeed enough of a geek to have sat here and calculate how much money I will be saving rather than get on with my work.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Adding insult to injury

Talk about kicking someone when they're down.

So I have tonsilitis, a bacterial infection at the back of my throat - which unfortunately does mean that your breath tends to ming a bit. Albeit temporarily. But Sarah has just turned around and said to me, "I think yours is actually worse than Leo's"... Leo being my elderly cat, who's halitosis if fuelled by never letting a toothbrush near him in over 15 years, who's diet consists of nothing but tinned fish, and who cleans his arse with his tongue!!

So yeah. Cheers for that Sarah :op

Attack of the group A beta-haemolytic streptococci...

I have tonsillitis.


I always thought I make a crap patient. Because I am rarely ever ill, when it does happen, its normally very serious (at least in my mind). But according to Sarah (who strangely enough seems to be enjoying running around fussing over her sickly invalid), I have been enduring my pain and suffering with great stoicism.

Needless to say, I am still finding this affliction a little hard to swallow - especially given the size of my tonsils.