Thursday, March 09, 2006

A room with a view

This is the view from my office window. When I say "office" I have merely commandeered part of the lounge/conservatory for my own, and marked my territory by spreading hundreds of scientific papers, coffee cups, and bizarrely, cables ties, amongst other gubbins, on just about every surface. Including the floor.

The trouble is, the lighting and colours are so changeable outside that I seem to spend a lot of time staring (in deep contemplation of course). Its confounded by the fact we have a lively population of birds who come to the feeders we've been supplying. We get all the usual suspects: robins, blackbirds, dunnocks, chaffinchs, greenfinch, goldfinch, blue tit, great tit, wren, and song thrush. But due to our location, we often get quite a few species not common in most British gardens such as coal tit, crested tit, field fare, cross bills (well, passing through), goldcrests, buzzard, red kite, and, perhaps my favourite, the bullfinch.

(Picture courtesy of Sue Tranter)

Infact while writing this, I've been observing a snipe feeding greedily on a wet flush in the meadow outside.

All this makes getting on with my reading etc very difficult. Although you'll be glad to know it obviously doesn't seem to have affected my ability to waste time by blogging!


At 7:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


....Get me one? nanks.


PS: are we the only people who actually read your blog? Seems that way - altho theres the strong possibility that others just have LIVES. ::Sigh:: woe is me.

LooOOoOooVe yaw. x

At 8:30 AM, Blogger fi said...

So, to clarify the list then, you'd like me to get:

a duck, a goose, some house mice, some field voles, some meerkats, a penguin, a llama (OK, so that's for me), a pine marten, a highland coo, AND NOW - A BULLFINCH?


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, yes thats right darling.




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