Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The new face of ecological field research.

The most notable change to my life Up North since we last spoke has been the addition of my new hinderance field assistant: Sherryll.

As you may know, Sherryll is a particularly intrepid little soul, well suited to rugged landscapes and harsh extremes of weather.

In fact, it would be fair to say that she laughs in the face of adversity!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The many guises of The Sherryll

You can take the muppet out of the city...

...but she's still a MUPPET!

Camera Shy

My Poppy has to be the simply THE MOST impossible creature I have ever tried to photograph. I swear she gets that from me. Anyway, here's a couple I quite liked of the mutt taken whilst playing round with me new phone camera (oooh, they're getting right good now those camera phones).

Happy Feet. . .

OK, so I've maybe gotten myself a wee bit distracted already on the whole filling-you-in-to-date front, but I just wanted to share with you the joy of my lovely socks.

They ARE lovely though, I think you'll agree. And its probably quite sad to say, but every time I look down at my tootsies when wearing said socks, I can't help but smile and feel happy. Now thats what you should look for in a good pair of socks.

It also strikes me that the more I blog, the more I realise just how simple and easily pleased I really am.

So did you miss me?

OK. I hold my hands up. I have been particularly slack with the ol' blogging of late, and I'm not exactly promising its going to get too much better. Deal with it.

Its just that the weather's so nice now that its summer, and the evenings are so light and so long, that it just feels a shame to be indoors (unless watching multiple consecutive episodes of the 24 DVD boxset series 1 to 3. Naturally).

And then I have the whole thing in that I haven't said anything for so long, that I now have SO MUCH to say and don't know where to start. Leaving me a wee bit speechless. Meh.

No doubt I will find a cunning way to summerise the past 3 months into a single post sometime "very soon", but in the meantime I just wanted to pop my head 'round and check that you were all still there. All two of you.