Happy Feet. . .
OK, so I've maybe gotten myself a wee bit distracted already on the whole filling-you-in-to-date front, but I just wanted to share with you the joy of my lovely socks.

They ARE lovely though, I think you'll agree. And its probably quite sad to say, but every time I look down at my tootsies when wearing said socks, I can't help but smile and feel happy. Now thats what you should look for in a good pair of socks.
It also strikes me that the more I blog, the more I realise just how simple and easily pleased I really am.
Ha ha! I have toe socks just like those! I could try and be all cool and tough and say looking at my feet while wearing said toe socks leaves me numb but it doesn't! I can see my toes wiggling! Plus each toe is a different colour!! Little insignificant things please me greatly. Like smelling the sea on the balcony in Spain just made me feel really happy....coming back to Norwich and my impending work return burst that bubble pretty quick let me tell ya!
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