Ticked off!!
Apparently I could be plagued this year by a small and potentially deadly menace this summer. Recent mild winters (mild?? since when has a 'Siberian Winter' been mild?) and dry summers have combined to form the perfect breeding conditions for the tick population. Despite these wee beasties being the size of a pin head, they can have quite disasterous consequences... Ticks carry a huge range of infections, one of the nastier ones being Lyme's disease. One of the foresters I know has Lyme's disease (which, I should add, you never get rid of it once you've caught it), and he had a heart attack last year because of it. Lyme's disease can also lead to bone disease, nervous disorders, and chronic fatigue syndrom or ME. Another ecologist I know suffers from the last two, after years spent out and about chasing wildlife, he now has severely deteriorated eyesight and circulation problems to boot.
..And there was me worrying about inbred redneck hillbillies, werewolves, and wild-eyed-boggarts lurking in the dark dark woods.
But don't worry folks! I've got myself prepared:

Close up on feet!!!

So this summer, even if its as hot and dry as predicted, I shall be mostly covered up from head to foot. Oh joy is me.
Don't forget tick borne encephalitis.
Lyme disease is curable in the majority of cases with effective, timely and correctly administered cephalosporins, which doesn't mean to say you won't be left with lasting damage if it is years before you are diagnosed/treated.
I like the Chav look. Very becoming.
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