Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today, I have been mostly feeling: hangry

han - ger [hang - ger: hāng - gûr]

1. a strong feeling of a sudden, violent, displeasure or rage illicited by a compelling need or desire for food

2. the state of being hangry

3. the irrational belligerence aroused by the painful sensation, or state of weakness, caused by the need for food

4. to feel hanger, be hangry

[Origin: GEEK Nerdish R. M. C. 2007 AD, from Middle English anger, multiplied somewhat exponentially by hunger]


At 4:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fi

I was updating my friends reunited profile and read your "go look at my blog" message in yours. It's kept me amused for a boring and rainy lunch time! Totally get the hangry feeling myself - and my bf agrees!

Tracey (Shaw) - from the horrible place they call school xxx

At 5:07 AM, Blogger fi said...

*hums along to Blur's Tracey Jacks in a no doubt oh-so-familiar and thoroughly irritating (to you), yet still highly amusing after all this time (to me), fashion*

Hey Tracey! That was a lovely surprise :) and it warms the cockles of my heart to know that I am keeping you amused on boring rainy lunchtimes a decade (or more) on!

You've now inspired me to go a have a stalkerish nosey at what you and the others have been up to via friends reunited... how many babies/marriages between us (none on both counts my way). Scary.

Hope you're well xxx


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