Sunday, August 14, 2005

I killed a bird today :'(

We were walking along the street to uni to play badminton, when a car struck a bird infront of us. Now, the speed limit on that particular part of the road is 40mph, and this was a Range Rover who looked to be going even faster still, so I don't think it unreasonable that we would presume the bird would be dead upon inspection. We could not walk on not knowing whether it had made it or not. It seemed only logical that the bird would be dead on impact - the car was so big and so fast. We crossed the street to find the thrush (as it turned out to be) in a heap, and, of course, still moving.

At this point dilema set in. The thrush was severely damaged, it had, afterall just been struck by a large, fast moving vehicle. It no longer had use of its back limbs, and although it attempted to get away when I scooped it up in my hands, its wings were not functioning either. It pitifully tried to defend itself with every last ounce of its might. We didn't have a clue what to do. All we knew for certain was that no matter what we did, this bird would not be able to survive on its own. But what do we do with it? I tried putting it into the hedgerow, naiving hoping that it would right itself and get better. We walked about a meter before returning, knowing that this bird was screwed. I *knew* that the thrush would never get better. It was far too far gone. But what to do with it? Leave it, and hope it recovers? An unrealistic, but at least easier option. Take it to a vet? Surely prolonging the agony, given the extent of its injuriess. Provide a "mercy" killing and end its suffering?

I wished I could have left it in a hedge for it to get well again, so I could stop thinking about it. But I knew better than that, I knew this bird had to die to end its suffering. It was a horrible realisation knowing that I was going to have to be the one to wring its neck. This, as a zoologist and conservationist who would rather live in fear of spiders in her home than kill them.

I can only hope that I helped to end its suffering quickly. It was the hardest thing I think I have ever had to do, and although I know it would have been cruel to leave it in agony, I am still left with feelings of guilt that I killed another living creature, and that maybe she would have been alright should I left her (although I know she wouldn't).


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